Tracie & Vin
This day was awesome. Some things are indeed meant to be.
David “It’s a DANCE Party” Linder shot with me, some of the frames above are his and if I do say so myself, we made some magic.
Tilly and the Wall – Defenders
Tilly and the Wall make magic in the desert.
The video for their new single “Defenders” is out now, watch it here
Here are some frames I shot on the set, some of which the band are most graciously using for their promo. Also if you look very carefully, you’ll see the beautiful face of my wild-child daughter running around there in the desert.
Mirella & Lonnie
So, our adventure went a little something like this…
Set up camp (in the dark) up in Holcomb Valley
Woke up (ridiculously) early the next morning
Froze our asses off
Shot some awesome images
Hiked up the mountain
Went climbing
Home in time for dinner
Could it get any better?
Wait… Mirella & Lonnie are on their way to Belize on honeymoon and I’m not an ‘able to fit in check-in luggage sized human’.
pink lady
Ok, so I’m allowed to be a little indulgent when it comes to posting pictures of my wonderful wife.
Fantastic, awesome, beautiful and insanely talented. You should look here –
and funny too.
Thanks love.